StevenXClontz’s avatarStevenXClontz’s Twitter Archive—№ 8,725

    1. There's a lot of cool math communication happening on Twitter, but I wish there was more conversation within the gap of nnn/(n+n+n)=37 lol and Let X be a weakly locally compact, σ-compact space (obviously, such a space is hemicompact, actually this means for each point there e
  1. …in reply to @StevenXClontz
    "obviously" here means the following theorem you've all memorized (since, trivially, σ-compact implies Lindelof)
    1. …in reply to @StevenXClontz
      This tweet was just an excuse to share some of the fun Twitter-inappropriate math I did today: such spaces are not only hemicompact, but each point has some K_n as a compact neighborhood. Really cool, but completely useless for broadening participation in mathematics!